
Pierson Watercolor Paintings

A woman with gray hair is smiling and wearing earrings and a fur coat.

Suzanne Pierson

“Painting in my CB home studio, outside, or anywhere in the world, making Art allows me to smile through any storm. I live with Gratitude for every precious day, every rainbow, every friend and creature in my Universe. Creating Art gives me a Visual Passport into experiences, information I’d not find otherwise.

My explorations flow from an inspired brush, revealing impressions, emotions, the energies of my subjects and concepts. Every painting tells a Story that comes from my heart and mind, hand and song.

As my Mother said to me, It’s not so hard to be happy.”

Suzanne is a member of the Colorado Watercolor Society and has been juried into various shows. Purchase a piece by Suzanne to brighten your home or office.

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